The Hozer Travel Hose Management Solution by Levitation Systems

CPAP with a floating CPAP hose! The HoZer® takes the CPAP hose completely and permanently out of your way and gently floats it overhead to “deliver” the perfect amount of hose to your mask at all times. Now every CPAP user can sleep more comfortably as if there was no CPAP hose. The HoZer® eliminates 100% of HOSE-RELATED MASK MALFUNCTIONS and SLEEP INTERRUPTIONS and helps you sleep better and longer with CPAP. You will never want to use CPAP again without the HoZer®… guaranteed!
1. What does the Hozer do that other devices don't?
The HoZer provides constant, precise CPAP hose "delivery" Other devices may remove the hose from the bed but limit movements that result in continued sleep interruptions. Others may NOT keep the hose out of the bed. The HoZer will not tether you to any position in the bed! Instead it allows complete movement while sleeping and ELIMINATES hose related sleep interruptions! You'll forget the hose is even there.
2. Is the HoZer portable and easy to assemble?
Yes, the HoZer assembles and disassembles quickly and easily with just your fingertips. No tools required! The draw string carry bag fits into your suitcase or briefcase and most CPAP bags.
Yes, the HoZer is designed for use on either side or even the end of the bed above your head. Where ever you determine is most comfortable for you!
Absolutely! The HoZer slips easily beneath any size matress! The patented flexible delivery rods works great with 2 pieces for smaller beds or for users that sleep on half of a large bad. All 3 pieces of the rod can be used to reach out further if necessary.
Yes, the effectiveness of your child's CPAP depends on their mask fitting well and not becoming dislodged during sleep. The HoZer removes the hose from their bed preventing them from rolling onto it or getting it tangled with pillows or blankets causing their mask to be dislodged. With correct amount of hose being "delivered" at all times, your child will no longer be at risk of having the hose wrapped around their neck while they sleep!
The length of hose from the tip of the rod to your mask should be the length that is most comfortable and will vary when using 2 sections of the rod or all 3. During set-up, without the mask attached begin with the tip of the hose should hang very close or even touch the users pillow. Place your mask on the pillow and connect it to the hose. As you increase the amount of hose that extends down the tip of the rod will rise. Continue until it stops rising and will begin creating excess slack in the hose.
Yes! The HoZer is considered a delicate medical accessory that provides precision delivery of the CPAP hose. It is guaranteed to be free from defects of workmanship and materials for one year following purchase. It has also been life-tested simulating normal use for tens of thousands of hours without failing or breaking!
The HoZer provides comfortable, uninterrupted sleep for only pennies per night during the first year! It costs even less every night you use it. Once you experience soft, precise hose "delivery" you'll agree that the HoZer is a good value at ANY price!
Size | Default |
Discontinued Status | Yes |
Reference Only | Yes |
Prescription required | No |